Musings of a Mother, who loves her children, her pets and a love for learning!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Book Review - Max on life

From the publisher...
Over the years, Lucado has received thousands of questions in letters and e-mails---and even on coffee shop napkins! In this collection arranged in a Q&A format, he pens thoughtful personal responses to more than 150 queries on parenting quandaries, financial challenges, difficult relationships, the role of prayer, the reason for hope, and more. 256 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
What I thought...
I'm a Max Lucado fan, I admit it. Reading his work has always inspired me. This book is no exception! I found it to be insightful, comforting, informative, and hopeful. He has covered a lot of tough questions with a GOD- focused answer to each! I readily recommend this book to my firends and family!!

About Max Lucado:
A gifted minister and author for more than twenty years, Max has served as an associate minister in Miami as well as a missionary church planter in Brazil. He currently serves as Minister of Writing and Preaching at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas.